The content in this blog is from my perspective as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This is not an official page of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and opinions shared may not reflect the official opinions of the Church. For official doctrine, please visit or

Welcome to a blog about all things happy: peace, joy, unity, love, etc.  This doesn’t mean I am always happy.  When I refer to happiness I am referring to lasting, deep peace and serenity.

I do not receive any income from this site.  My soul purpose is to help others and to have a place to go when I need some reminders for myself.  I hope you will stick around and contribute your insights.

Overcoming my own struggles with happiness has taught me specific steps and strategies for how to handle the struggles of life and family with faith.

For years I was unhappy as a wife and mom about 50% of the time. The tremendous amount of chores that go with parenting, frequent conflict with spouse and children, and trying to get my children, my spouse, and myself to measure up was a huge drain on me emotionally.  We also deal with learning differences, mental illness, PTSD, ADHD, and codependency in my family.

Despite all these challenges, I have learned to have peace and unity with my family and how to be happy 80-90% of the time! This blog is for people who want lasting relationships, peace, and happiness even in the midst of the chaos of life.


Dear Diary

I stopped blogging consistently after the kids came home from school due to the Covid-19 shutdown. There just hasn’t been enough time. However, I would like to start sharing excerpts from my journal entries during a time in my life when I was doing a lot of emotional work. In 2013 I started writing in …