Christian Meditation and Mindfulness

During this time of turmoil in the world, peace and lasting happiness are a welcomed topic.  As I mentioned in my last post, Enmity and Unity, we are happiest when we are united in love with God and our fellowman. The practice of Christian meditation and mindfulness unites us with God.

Mindfulness meditation is very popular these days.  It “is a mental training practice that involves focusing your mind on your experiences (like your own emotions, thoughts, and sensations) in the present moment.”  Mindfulness meditation helps improve mindfulness outside of meditation sessions. 

Mindfulness is often described as, “a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations.” 

What are Christian Meditation and Mindfulness

“Christian Mindfulness Meditation” can be defined as a meditation practice that focuses on the Savior and the present moment.  The purpose of this practice is to increase “Christian Mindfulness” which is, awareness of and unity with Christ throughout the day. 

Christian Mindfulness Meditation adds to mindfulness meditation an awareness of the Lord, His power, His goodness, and His presence in and through all things.  The Lord has instructed, “Look unto me in every thought.” (D&C 6:36)

Benefits of Christian Mindfulness

Mindfulness has been known to help people be “open to surprise, oriented in the present moment, sensitive to context, and above all, liberated from the tyranny of old mindsets.” People also notice improvements “ in health, productivity, overcoming addictions, avoiding burnout, and increasing our control and potential as we grow older.”  

By adding Christ as the focus of my mindfulness I have personally found that I am much happier, my thoughts are more positive, and worry is replaced with faith. I also believe Christian Mindfulness promotes the following:

  1. We give credit where credit is due – When we add the Lord to mindfulness all of the above is true and we will know where that power and flexibility to handle life on life’s terms (and not ours) comes from.  
  2. We put ourselves in tune with the Lord – When we quiet our minds from endless chatter and distractions we leave room for the Spirit’s voice.  We open ourselves to receiving God’s guidance as we look to Him in every thought.
  3. The Lord nourishes our spirits – Christ is our source of light and life.  Focusing on Christ will nourish our Spirits with His light and love.  Our Spirits need Christ’s light and love like our bodies need food. When our thoughts are consumed with the day to day activities and struggles we become spiritually drained.  Christian Mindfulness gives constant nourishment to our souls as we stay connected to Him.  
  4. Christ becomes the Center of our life – Christian Mindfulness makes Christ the center of your thoughts and therefore, the center of your life.

Next week I will post “How to Practice Christian Meditation.”

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